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Welcome to my first monthly post!  Exactly one month ago today was my first day as…well…as whatever you want to call me.  I suppose there are many terms that could apply–career breaker, ex-teacher, life explorer, dream follower, writer, blogger, beginning photographer, traveler…unemployed person.  I could continue (but I won’t!)

I’m not sure why, but back when I started this blog I determined that I’d also include a photo of me taken on each month-a-versary.  Clearly I don’t look very different this month than I did last month, but here I am right now…

July 21st, 2011--Me!

Perhaps it will actually be interesting to see how I physically change as the months go on, but for now, kind of boring I know.  Sorry.  I’m also hoping that some of these photos will end up having to be taken in more exciting locations than my office!

So, what did I do and what did I learn during my first month?  Here are the highlights…and some of the lowlights, too.  Because really, life can’t be all highlights, can it?

What I Did

What I Learned

  • Giving myself an ‘assignment’ is the best way to guarantee that I don’t do that particular thing.
  • When something is not a job, I like it more.
  • I love my travel blog even though it isn’t ever going to ‘get’ me anything.  Same with this blog.  I just like to write and talk to people.
  • I really love taking photographs.
  • Sort of how to take photographs with a ‘real’ camera.
  • I also really love messing with said photographs in any photo editing program I can get for free.
  • Sort of how to mess with photographs in free editing programs.
  • How to make my netbook work for my purposes, thus saving me over a thousand dollars.  (But I still want a Macbook!)
  • Some things–like visits with old friends–are not what you expect or remember.  Sometimes the good old days need to stay old in order to remain good.
  • Longwood Gardens is a great place to go to learn to take photos.
  • I freak out way too easily about far too many things.
  • Even with all of the freaking out, I am a much better wife when I’m not also a teacher.

Clearly, I’m not a master anything at this point.  Additionally, I’ve not yet mastered the art of not freaking out.  But it’s only been a month–right?

Next month promises lots of adventure–and, yes, opportunities to freak out–as we are about to head out on our road trip.  Will this  trip be a learning experience?  Will it help me grow as a person?  Will it contribute to the reclaiming of my old self?  Will I end up on the side of the road in Nova Scotia, desperately in need of a Canadian divorce lawyer?  You’ll have to stay tuned to find out!